Wednesday 15 July 2009

..... ’tis a charming sound,
Harmonious to mine ear;
Heaven with the echo shall resound,
And all the earth shall hear.
(with apologies to Augustus Montague Toplady)

This house is resounding to the thud of hammer on concrete leveling the hardcore ready for the new kitchen floor.

Sunday 14 June 2009

The saga of workmen, or lack of reminds me of a childhood rhyme

As I was going up the stair
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish that man would go away

No, there has been no visitations again this week.
We await Monday, tomorrow.

Thursday 11 June 2009

Diary of a house renovation

They assured us they were starting work week commencing June 1.
No-one came.
After many non-replied to phone messages we eventually spoke to a human on Thursday 4th
He assured us all work would commence June 8th
No-one came
Several phone calls and non replies later when the anger smoke was to be seen rising from ourselves, another assurance from the Project Manager(the architect), here after called the PM because he is about as efficient, that someone would come on the 12th (tomorrow) to at least stop the rain coming in. Watch this space.
He also assured us, though his assurances now are hollow promises to us, that the builder will grace our project on 15th and he himself, the PM, will hold a site meeting on 16th. We will not hold our breath.

Wednesday 8 April 2009

We now have some of the replacement windows and doors in situ.
A very smart red front door and a door bell that, to celebrate spring, makes the sound of the cuckoo.
One set of patio doors arrived with the incorrect spec, so we are waiting for replacement.
We are getting used to waiting. The roof is still waiting to be fixed after the storm and we are expecting another roofer to come and quote this evening. Hopefully he will get back to us faster than the last one....3 months and still waiting.
We remain on the temporary electricity supply but with summer on its way and having purchased an all singing, all dancing, barbeque we shall not starve.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Friday January 30th

Telephone reconnected

Monday February 2nd

The sun showed it's face today and we spent time in the garden making a flower bed around the base of "The" tree. We are not walking too close to the house as there are a lot of loose tiles.
Photographs have been taken and the architect has visited so we wait, again, for roof repairers.

We have used 2 old oak beams as the borders of the bed. They have to sit on stones on 2 sides as there is a drop in land levels. Now have to fill it with soil.

Tuesday February 3rd

Happy Birthday Michael, 40 today. Happy Anniversary to us.
Had lunch with an old nursing pal who lives on the edge of the Landes forests and the drive there showed me, first hand, some of the devastation. I have tried twice to phone Michael, will try again tomorrow.

Returned home to find we have internet, yipee. They have replaced our live box which appears to have blown during the storm.
Sunday 25th,

Came home from the Inauguration Ceremony and following Vin d'Honneur to find we had electricity. Celebrated with a lovely cup of tea. Our village has been extremely lucky in comparison with many in the South West of France. The Forests of the Landes are now moonscapes having thousands of flattened trees.

Monday 26th

Went into the local town. Had to make several detours as roads are blocked by fallen trees and electricity poles. We still have no landline telephone or internet connection. Thankfully the mobile networks are working.

Tuesday 27th

Today we have a proper fire. The man has been and we have steel liners in the chimney for the wood burners. The second one was delivered and fitted in what will be the salon. It looks rather like a Dalek from the Dr Who series. Unfortunately it was missing one vital joint which will have to be ordered so another wait.
Saturday January 24th, continued

23.00 The winds have now dropped and, for the moment the rain has stopped. Our wooden barn now has about 3 walls and one of them does not look too good. Our house roof has lost many tiles, and I have run out of containers to catch the water. We are spending our second night downstairs in the house but it is quite comfortable.

The dog insisted on an excursion outside just before 02.00 and woke me. Outside the sky was clear, not much moonlight but every constellation visible. It is hard to believe that 24 hours before I had difficulty even opening the door.

Sunday morning and we are still without telephone or internet link. I have walked around the back house, which took the full force of the wind. The storm has saved us some work as the old lean too garage now has no rear doors and very few tiles on the roof. Quite a lot of the house roof tiles have gone. Another part of the non-accommodation has lost quite a lot of glass complete with window frames. It will have to be a careful clean up and gardening in future as there are a lot of small bits of glass everywhere.

Have to get a bit clear as they are inaugurating ‘La Mairie” in the village. It has just been refurbished together with the Post Office so there is to be a little gathering of the village population.